My wife's phone has swipe built in and the phone keypad has all the buttons
I need.

I emailed SE and they seem pretty clueless so far, I've followed up asking
them to direct me to their android development staff, because their android
page just points users to general android help.  And their emulator setup
does not include their IME...       not fun...

I can understand why Android would want to make the IME a system wide
setting, but I'm surprised there's no permission that I can declare for my
app to set the default IME to the default android one.   Does this not

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 3:50 AM, jamesc <> wrote:

> Hi
> I had issues with the X10s IME in that it ignored particular IME flags
> (
> cc=gb&lc=en).  You might be suffering from a similar issue.  I suggest
> that you post to the SE forum and ask them directly (they confirmed my
> findings).
> Off the top of my head (I've not got the code in front of me at the
> moment) I did find that I got the (my) required behaviour by passing
> in Type_NULL (or something like that) into the IME configuration
> method.  So, you *may* want to play about with the arguments and see
> what comes out.  This, however, then leads to the issue that you've
> got different config flags for different IMEs, and as far as I know,
> you cannot determine which IME is actually in use.  You can, however,
> find out which IMEs are present on the device, so you could apply some
> sort of workaround if the device is an SE device (but that may affect
> users of the standard Android IME on the SE phone...).
> I'm not sure that you can enforce the use of the standard Android IME
> because that's the responsibility of the user/security issue (also, it
> might be a bit 'odd' when the IME is different to what they're
> currently using).  I suppose you could show the IME picker and also
> tell the user why you're doing that (but, again, that's not the best
> solution).
> I'd be interested to hear how you get on.
> One last thing, you might want to get hold of Swype and Swiftkey to
> try those IMEs out too...
> On Jul 13, 9:19 pm, "" <> wrote:
> > So Sony appears to have included their own IME with their xperia
> > phones.
> >
> > I have an edit box for numerical input that i have specified as number|
> > numberDecimal|phone
> > It allows for easy number entry and allows users to enter in decimal
> > numbers.   However the IME in the xperia phones is missing the decimal
> > key.
> > Is there a way to specify it should only be using the android IME?
> >
> > Can I specify resources for specific phones similar to how I can
> > control resources for versions of android?
> --
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