Yes, thanks a lot! That helped tremendously!

On Jul 9, 11:10 am, Nitin Dahyabhai <> wrote:
> On Jul 2, 5:16 pm, Xavier Ducrohet <> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > We've tracked down this issue to a bug in the Eclipse Web tools
> > plug-ins which provide the XML models and editors that our plug-ins
> > use.
> > For reference, Eclipse already has a bug filed for 
> > this:
> > We will implement a work around as soon as possible.
> Until then, go to the XML/XML Files/Editor preference page and turn
> off the "Use inferred grammar..." setting.  It should only affect
> content assist and possibly some of the Outline view and Design page's
> context menu actions.  Or refer to a DTD or XML Schema in the XML
> file.  We'll have this corrected in Helios SR1/WTP 3.2.2.
> ---
> Nitin Dahyabhai
> Eclipse WTP Source Editing and JSDT
> IBM Rational

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