Thanks Paul.....As u said, the following code works well . But it
looks like a custom view , i cant see the textview itself. I have set
the ContentView to main.XML only but still the views in the main.XML r
not seen. am getting an output were i can see only the given string
rotated -90 degrees in the specified location. i want this rotation of
the string to happen inside the textview and the other components in
the main.xml has to be i have to change anything in
this code And if i want to add an ImageView next to this textview
( linear layout is horizontal orientation)
wat i should do. Please do help me........

public class textrotate extends Activity {

    DemoView dview;
        /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        dview= new DemoView(this);
       // rotateText("FACEBOOK");

        private class DemoView extends TextView{

                public DemoView(Context context) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

                protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
                        // x increases from left to right
                        // y increases from top to bottom
                        //int x=0;
                        //int y=0;
                        Paint paint= new Paint();
                        String str2Rotate = "FACEBOOK";
                        float py = this.getHeight();
            float px = this.getWidth()/8.0f;
            //canvas.rotate(180, px, py);

                        canvas.rotate(-90, px,py);
                        canvas.drawText(str2Rotate, px, py, paint);


On Jul 27, 3:33 am, Paul Turchenko <> wrote:
> Inherit from TextView, override measure pass and during draw, rotate
> the canvas, call super, restore it. This will do the trick
> On Jul 26, 12:38 am, harshe <> wrote:
> > I have a textview placed vertically in an activity.. I Want the text
> > within the textview to be shown as bottom to top facing right side.
> > Can anyone please help me out..........
> > my XML file is
> > <TextView
> >     android:layout_height="200dp"
> >     android:layout_width="50dp"
> >     android:paddingTop="100dp"
> >     android:text="ALL"
> >     android:textSize=" 20px"
> >     android:autoText="true"
> >      android:paddingLeft="5dp"
> >      android:layout_gravity="fill_vertical"
> >   />

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