Thanks for your reply. Not sure though what you mean with
compatibility reasons - in fact all phones handle it differently
anyways? Why wouldn't it be wise to allow developers to disable it? I
didn't fully get the idea.

About disabling such functions: there are situations where it makes
sense to disable it. In my case I bundle an app with a device that I'm
giving to the users. So only my app runs on the device anyway, it
starts at boot-time, and I'm in control of the devices (just renting
it out to users); still I don't want to root it or modify the core in
any way due to guarantee reasons.
In my case, I've put specific features on the menu button and the
other soft buttons, but I don't want the default behaviour to appear
on long press; I'd like to override it with the same app-specific
behaviour that I use for a short press on this button (which I can
capture via onKeyUp for example).

Actually I would like to get the behaviour as it is on my G1 (1.6):
which is that long press is the same as short press. There's no
difference between long press and short press. Not sure if it's due to
1.6 version on it, but I think so.

But on my Nexus One (2.2) it's different (showing the soft keyboard)
and on the Samsung Galaxy S (2.1) as well. Doesn't make much sense to
me to have a search widget hidden behind the menu button on long

I understand that the home button shouldn't be able to be overriden in
order not to trap users in your app; but why shouldn't the developer
be able to handle the menu button/long press?

On Jul 27, 10:34 pm, Joseph Earl <> wrote:
> I don't think you can.
> Pressing and holding the menu button to show the soft keyboard exists
> for compatibility reasons - I'm not sure it would be wise to allow
> developers to disable it.
> On Jul 27, 12:18 pm, Mathias Lin <> wrote:
> > How can I capture a long press of the device menu button in my application?
> > I thought of an intent filter, but there's only an action called
> > android.intent.action.SEARCH_LONG_PRESS, but nothing for the MENU button.
> > I found that long press of the menu button actually does different
> > things on different devices, i.e. on Nexus One it will show the soft
> > keyboard, while on Samsung Galaxy S it will pop up the search widget.
> > Generally, I want to suppress this behaviour in my app.
> > (I already looked on for some hints but only found
> > unanswered posts.)

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