For multi-language apps you don't need to do any of this. Have a read
of localization in the docs:
you will get the collect localized resources loaded automatically by
the platform.

If however you are trying to switch language/locale in a running app,
then as DH pointed out the platform does not support this.

I have not looked into the platform code for lanuage/locale(s) but I
suppect that Android has no concept of an applicaton only locale only
system locale.  If I am correct then are you trying to change the
locale for the whole system?

On Jul 28, 12:41 pm, Engin Arslan <> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am not trying to fight with system. i am just trying to publish
> application having multilanguage capability. so this should not be
> fighting.
>  Whatever,  
> in this link i have found alternative way of doing this. by this way
> all texts changed proposed language, however there is still problem in
> "Menu" even if i recreate menu after changing locale.
> On Jul 27, 5:00 pm, RichardC <> wrote:
> > You have already asked this and got a - don't do this - reply from
> > Dianne Hackborn.
> > DH > "You are blowing away the current configuration in the resources
> > with your
> > own you have created that is not initialized.  Things aren't going to
> > work
> > when you do that.
> > You could improve that by giving it a properly created Configuration,
> > but I
> > don't want to help with doing that because what you are trying to do
> > is
> > never going to work quite right because you will be fighting with the
> > platform over what configuration is being used in the resources. "
> > See your previous 
> > thread:
> > On Jul 27, 1:42 pm, Engin Arslan <> wrote:
> > > any ideas?
> > > On Jul 23, 3:17 pm, Engin Arslan <> wrote:
> > > > Specifically,menulanguage changes to English (which is default
> > > > language) when I try to changelocale. And then it does not change any
> > > > other language
> > > > On Jul 23, 2:18 pm, Engin Arslan <> wrote:
> > > > > Hi all,
> > > > > I am developing application in which user can choose application
> > > > > language. To achieve this, I am changing "Locale" as follows:
> > > > >                Localelocale= newLocale("language code here");
> > > > >                Locale.setDefault(locale);
> > > > >                 Configuration config = new Configuration();
> > > > >                 config.locale=locale;
> > > > >                 
> > > > > getBaseContext().getResources().updateConfiguration(config,
> > > > > getResources().getDisplayMetrics());
> > > > > and restart activity in following way:
> > > > > setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE);
> > > > >                                         
> > > > > setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR);
> > > > > . This helps to change languagein runtime.
> > > > > However , optionmenulanguage does not change , in factmenuchanges
> > > > > if I close app completely and start again but does not change in
> > > > > runtime. I even  have tried onPrepareOptionsMenu but it did not work?
> > > > > What is the reason of this? or can you suggest me another possible
> > > > > way?
> > > > > Bests,

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