On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 6:35 AM, Kwisatz <rui.mtd.ro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In comment 12 of that thread, a guy from Google itself suggests that
> we must implement our own contacts editor. So, the easy and fastest
> way of doing that is to replicate the Android Contacts application,
> since it's open source and all.

I'm skeptical that it is fastest or easiest, when you take long-term
maintenance into account.

> BUT, there are some calls to the
> hidden methods in the SDK from the Contacts app. I want to replicate
> them. Not use those methods to some other functionality. I think it's
> acceptable somehow... no?

:: shrug ::

That depends on your definition of "acceptable". For example, I don't
find it "acceptable" when developers whine "wait, we did something
people told us not to do, and now it's broken -- Google sux!"

To answer your original question: yes, reflection works. @hide is used
when creating the android.jar you get in the SDK, and so reflection is
your way past that, at least within the bounds of normal Java rules
regarding reflection.

That being said, using reflection to break the SDK contract because
you don't want to write a GUI is "penny wise, pound foolish" IMHO.
But, it's your app.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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