That what I used in my code:

public static boolean rename(String orig_name, String new_name, String path)
File Operator1 = new File(path, orig_name);
File Operator2 = new File(path, new_name);
if (Operator1.exists() == false) {
return false;
if (Operator2.exists() == true) {
return false;
try {
boolean r = Operator1.renameTo(Operator2);
return r;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:49 PM, focode <> wrote:

> i have to change the name of a jpg file , for that i have written the
> following code
> sdcard = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
> from = new File(sdcard,imagePath.substring(8).toString());
> to = new File(sdcard,"/DCIM/RoseVille_"+Info.getText()
> +"_"+Amount.getText()+"_"+timeStampFormat.format(n ew Date())+".jpg");
> if(from.renameTo(to)==true)
> {
> /// if renamming is successfull;
> }
> this code creates a new file with the required name while the file
> which i wanted to change is still their on sd card , if i remount the
> sd card then the old file gets deleted and the renamed file remains
> their.
> so my problem is how to rename the file without remounting the sd card
> thanks and regards
> focode
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