SOLVED! THANK YOU Android-Developers group!

Thank you so much for your help. It is wonderful to have someplace to
go for answers.

John Brown

On Aug 9, 11:59 am, john brown <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Documentation source 
> >
> "Every Android-compatible device supports a shared "external storage"
> that you can use to save files. This can be a removable storage media
> (such as an SD card) or an internal (non-removable) storage. Files
> saved to the external storage are world-readable and can be modified
> by the user when they enable USB mass storage to transfer files on a
> computer."
> PROBLEM: I cannot write to a file on the sdcard.
> QUESTION: Is it possible to write to a file on the sdcard?
> If YES, what do I need to do to make File.canWrite = true?
> I am using Android 2.1 update 1, API level 7, Eclipse, and HVGA skin.
> I am running my app / troubleshooting on the Android SDK ADV.
> When the AVD is running, I check settings > sdcard total 49.21MB,
> available 49.07MB.
> Environment.getExternalStorageState() yields > MEDIA_MOUNTED
> getExternalStorageDirectory() to establish the sdcard root directory.
> I copied the files to the sdcard with "adb push source destination"
> I am able to successfully read other files in that directory.
> psudo code:
> // __________________________________________________
> File fFile = new File(pathFile);
> if (fFile.exists()){ ... // returns true
> if (fFile.canRead()){ ... // returns true
> if (fFile.canWrite()){ ... // returns false
> try{
>         FileWriter Fw = new FileWriter(fFile, true);
>         BufferedWriter Bw = new BufferedWriter(Fw);
>         PrintWriter outPw = new PrintWriter(Bw, true);
>         outPw.println(strRec);
>         outPw.close();
> }
> catch(IOException ex){
>         System.out.println("IO Error - " + ex.toString());
>         System.exit(0);
> }
> // ____________________________________________________
> System.out shows:
> IO Error -
> but we know the file is there from the preceding checks:
> if (fFile.exists()){ ... // returns true
> if (fFile.canRead()){ ... // returns true
> What do I need to do to make the file writable?
> Or
> I want to write to the file. What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks, John Brown
> P.S.
> I got a command prompt via c:\Program Files\Android-SDK\tools> adb
> shell
> # ls -l /sdcard/Android/data/lms
> ----rwxr-x system    sdcard_rw        63   2010-07-19 15:17
> mpReadAbDdx201006.txt
> ----rwxr-x system    sdcard_rw     45211   2010-07-19 15:17
> mpTranAbDdx201006.txt
> The way I read this is that the owner's rights are ---, group is rwx,
> others is r-x. I'm just guessing, the application is others?
> But I cannot get chmod to change the attributes, i.e.:
> # chmode o-rwx /sdcard/Android/data/lms/mpReadAbDdx201006.txt
> Bad mode
> (I get the same file attributes when I copy file to sdcard via  DDMS
> File Explorer.)
> Where can I find documentation to the Android linux (?) commands? (I
> mean the command line commands)

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