I've seen my Milestone connect to the router at anything from 24 Mbit to
64 Mbit. However, getLinkSpeed always returns 54.
So it's sort of a "technical specifications page" value, since Milestone
officially only supports 802.11g and that's 54 Mbit / second.
It also has very little relation to the real throughtput. In my testing,
Milestone can do about 8-10 MBit per second, Galaxy S - about 12-15.
-- Kostya
18.08.2010 4:03, j пишет:
Thanks Bob.
On Aug 10, 2:19 am, Bob Kerns<r...@acm.org> wrote:
That's because wifi is symmetric. Same speed in both directions.
It's likely in many cases that there's an asymmetric link in the route
-- certainly HIGHLY likely that there will be something slower. Wifi
is unlikely to be your slowest link, so I really don't see any value
in checking this.
Even if you know you'll be talking to a server on the local network,
wifi is fast enough that even the slowest versions aren't likely to
make a big difference for anything but bulk data transfer, or
situations requiring low latency.
On Aug 9, 5:11 pm, j<jac...@gmail.com> wrote:
I need the Wifi link speed for the smaller of uplink speed and
downlink speed.
What does WifiInfo's getLinkSpeed return? The documentation doesn't
say. Thanks.
Kostya Vasilev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget -- http://kmansoft.wordpress.com
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