Thanks for your reply, I will wait an official guide since I haven't
used ant tooling
and sincerely I have no intention to switch to it.

On Aug 25, 8:04 pm, keyeslabs <> wrote:
> That is code from the Ant task generated by the Android tooling.  I
> added a new target to do obfuscation, and called it towards the end of
> the build process.  What you see here is the contents of my obfuscate
> target.
> On Aug 25, 5:38 am, sblantipodi <> wrote:
> > Thanks to Trevor for his reply, I'm really impatient to see this new
> > doc.
> > To you keyeslabs, I'm actually using netbeans,
> > what is the code you posted? An addition to build.xml for eclipse or
> > Android SDK project?
> > On Aug 25, 4:27 am, keyeslabs <> wrote:
> > > If you can't wait, here's something to get you started that worked for
> > > me.  It's what I used to obfuscate AAL, which was a library not an
> > > Android App, and thus a bit simpler.
> > > You'll need to adjust what you "keep" (e.g., don't obfuscate) so that
> > > you don't shred classes that are referenced by your manifest, or
> > > you'll have to update your manifest after the fact.
> > >         <taskdef resource="proguard/ant/"
> > >                  classpath="/adev/proguard4.4/lib/proguard.jar" />
> > >         <proguard>
> > >           -libraryjars "${android-jar}"
> > >           -injars      "${build-location}/license.jar"
> > >           -outjars     "${build-location}/license-rel.jar"
> > >           -dontpreverify
> > >           -dontoptimize
> > >           -dontshrink
> > >           -dontusemixedcaseclassnames
> > >           -repackageclasses ''
> > >           -allowaccessmodification
> > >           -optimizationpasses 1
> > >           -verbose
> > >           -keep public class com.keyes.license.LicenseManager {
> > >                 public *;
> > >           }
> > >           -keep public class com.keyes.license.CheckLicenseCallback {
> > >                 public *;
> > >           }
> > >           -keep public class com.keyes.license.LicenseException {
> > >                 public *;
> > >           }
> > >         </proguard>
> > > Dave
> > > On Aug 24, 6:53 pm, sblantipodi <> wrote:
> > > > As 
> > > > title,
> > > > where is the guide to obfuscate our code?

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