It's magic, man. Pure magic.


Base 64 encoding converts every 3 bytes of input data to 4 bytes of output data. If input data size is not a multiple of 3, output is padded with "=" characters, which also means end of data.

Your original buffer size, 1024, is not a multiple of 3, so each output chunk ended with end-of-data marker.

On the other hand, 1023 *is* a multiple of 3, so no end-of-data padding is generated until the very end of data.

-- Kostya

30.08.2010 13:13, pramod.deore пишет:
Hi, Kostya

I can't use second solutions because they are for API level8 and I am
developing this for APilevel4(1.6), But after changing byte array size
to 1023 it works perfectly fine, Thanks again Kostya I am working on
this from last 8 days and today I got the solution.

  But still I don't know how it works with 1023 and not with 1024?

On Aug 30, 1:04 pm, Kostya Vasilyev<>  wrote:

Base64 encoding has end-of-data markers.

Your code encodes each 1024-byte chunk of input image data into its own
Base64 string. Each of those has its own end markers.

Because of this, the receiving side doesn't see one piece of data
encoded with Base64, rather, it sees multiple pieces of data, which I
guess is not what it expects.

There are several ways to fix this:

1 - Write your own code to encode partial data pieces, flushing the
output at the very end. Base64 encoding is not difficult.

2 - Use a ready-made class, like this one:

It's equivalent is available in Android starting with 2.2:

3 - Change buffer size in your code to 1023 (a multiple of 3). This is a
hack, but probably the easiest thing to do.

-- Kostya

30.08.2010 11:23, pramod.deore пишет:

Someone knows how to encode large image in Base64 format. Because I
had tried using creating byte array as large as image size but if
image it encode image if size of image is upto 800kb, if image is
greater than 800kb then it throws runtime exception as
OutofMemoryException. So I had decided use 1kb of byte array, in that
I encode 1kb of image write to a file after that again encode 1kb of
image and write to a file .....  The code is like this
public void encodeImage()
                          out = new PrintWriter("c:/program1/zzz.txt");
                          InputStream inputStream =  new FileInputStream
                          OutputStream outputStream = new
                          byte[] b = new byte[1024];
                                  System.out.println ("Inside while");
                                  String encoded = Base64.encode(b);
                                  //System.out.println (encoded);
                  catch (Exception e)
                          System.out.println (e);
But when I decode that image 
then it says that he input is not a valid Base-64 string.
Please help me to solve this issue.
Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget --

Kostya Vasilyev -- WiFi Manager + pretty widget --

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