Bobbie wrote:
> I have the latest SDK download and the SDK throws errors when I try to
> use "getCurrentLocation", I can only use "getLastKnownLocation" and
> can only get a "network" location, can't even get a GPS location
> (which is what I want)...

It works just fine with GPS.

> What's the deal here?  Was this deprecated or something?

getCurrentLocation() was removed. My guess is that they didn't want this 
to be a blocking call, waiting for GPS to get a fix.

 > I have tried sample code and everything and it throws
> an error before I can even launch the code...?

You didn't provide us with the error message. You didn't provide us with 
sample source code that raises the error message. As a result, it is 
somewhat difficult to provide concrete assistance.

Generally speaking, you need to do two things:

1. Ensure you have the appropriate permissions (e.g., 
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) in your AndroidManifest.xml file.

2. Ensure somebody is asking your desired location provider for updates, 
otherwise getLastKnownLocation() may be perpetually null.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)

Android Training on the Ranch! -- Mar 16-20, 2009

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