Now I got it :D

C:\Documents and Settings\Usuario\Android>"C:\Arquivos de programas
0_04\bin\keytool.exe" -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore
debug.keystore -sto
repass android -keypass android
androiddebugkey, 17/09/2008, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (MD5): XX:XX:XX:XX:...

On 1 nov, 23:42, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kesav:
> Great guide!
> samia:
> If you use windows, 'keytool' is under  JDK's folder, such as "c:\
> Program Files\Java\jdk<version>\bin\keytool", you need type full path
> to execute "keytool" command.
> On 10月31日, 下午2時40分, samina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi kesav ,
> >  i have tried Keytool command "C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local
> > \Android>keytool -list -alias
> > androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android -keypass
> > android " to get the MD5 fingerprint of the debug certificate:but its
> > throwing error like "'keytool' is not recognized as an internal or
> > external command,operable program or batch file."
> > plz help me to solve the problem....
> > thanks
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