On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 4:36 AM, Jens <dunkingbikk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And he's not using any undocumented Android code

Yes, he is.

> he's accessing a provider through the
> standard API:s

The provider itself is undocumented. It is not even part of the
operating system.


> which is all well and manageable as long as you
> observe basic hygiene and check that the provider is actually
> installed and providing the columns you expect.

Except that you have absolutely no idea if the provider is in use
(might be lingering on the device, but no app is using it). And you
have no idea if the provider will do what you expect it to do, since
it is merely a facade. And you have no idea what side effects there
might be from using the possibly-modified provider. And so on.

If the authors of that application wanted you to access the content
provider, they would have documented it and therefore forced OEMs to
leave it alone. In an ideal world, it would be documented, supported,
and encouraged. This is not an ideal world. In an ideal world, I'd
have hair.

If you want to poke around with that content provider as an
experiment, fine. If you want to poke around with that content
provider for an app for personal use, fine. And if you have a large
team and are willing to spend a very substantial sum on development
and testing to make sure the app works properly now across a plethora
of devices, and are willing to keep spending substantial sums in the
future, and you want to put it on the Market, go ahead.

Solo developers whine and whine and whine about fragmentation, then
they go ahead and use techniques like you are advocating to
self-fragment. This sort of <bleep> seriously pisses me off.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
http://commonsware.com/blog | http://twitter.com/commonsguy

Android Training in London: http://skillsmatter.com/go/os-mobile-server

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