I missed the mismatch as well; it's subtle. In your manifest, you set
the authority to com.arpit.providers.MyContentProvider, while in the
code you set it to com.arpit.provider.MyContentProvider. Note the
missing "s" for provider in the code. The ContentResolver shouldn't be
able to resolve your provider, so you should always get back null when
you call it. This rouses my curiosity; how do you know that UriMatcher
is always returning -1?

On the whole, it would be better in this case to do some debugging
first. If you provide values to a function, but it doesn't act as you
expect, then either you passed in the wrong values or misunderstood
the requirements. Check the values for correctness before you assume
you misunderstood something.

Content provider users should also consider writing unit tests for
their providers. ProviderTestCase2 is a good, comprehensive way to
test a provider in isolation.


On Sep 9, 11:15 am, Brion Emde <brione2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You should not hijack existing threads with new questions that do not
> correspond to the original thread. That makes it very difficult for
> people to find the original thread. Instead, you should start a new
> thread with your question.
> That said, I see that the value of the AUTHORITY that you declare in
> your ContentProvider do not match with the android:authority that you
> declare in your AndroidManifest.xml. You should check that they match.
> Finally, rather than giving snippets of code that you think might be
> useful, it is actually more useful if you give a full example.
> On Sep 9, 1:21 am, Arpit <robin.ca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Somehow my UriMatcher is not working properly and because of that I am
> > not able to do the CRUD operations on my tables.
> > I have the following structure of packages and classes:
> > com.arpit.provider : This has a class MyContentProvider which extends
> > ContentProvider class
> > com.arpit.tables :
> >         DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper
> >         KeyTable implements BaseColumns
> >         ParticipantTable implements BaseColumns
> > Now in MyContentProvider, I have done the following:
> > ...
> > public static final String AUTHORITY =
> > "com.arpit.provider.MyContentProvider";
> > ...
> > static{
> >         UriMatcher uriM = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH);
> >         uriM.addUri(AUTHORITY, "key", 0);
> >         uriM.addUri(AUTHORITY, "participant", 1);}
> > ...
> > public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection,
> >                         String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) {
> >                 SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder();
> >                 switch(uriM.match(uri)){
> >                         case 0:
> >                                 qb.setTables("key");
> >                                 break;
> >                         case 1:
> >                                 qb.setTables("participant");
> >                                 break;
> >                 }
> > ....}
> > ...
> > In my KeyTable class, CONTENT_URI = "content://" +
> > MyContentProvider.AUTHORITY + "/key";
> > In my ParticipantTable class CONTENT_URI = "content://" +
> > MyContentProvider.AUTHORITY + "/participant";
> > In my AndroidManifest.xml file I have registered the provider as:
> > <provider android:name="com.arpit.providers.MyContentProvider"
> >         android:authorities="com.arpit.providers.MyContentProvider"></
> > provider>
> > Now I make the query call with the following statement in my
> > HomeActivity:
> > Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(KeyTable.CONTENT_URI, new
> > String[] { KeyTable.col1 }, "_id='1'", null,  null);
> > My problem is when the Query Method is called and the Switch block is
> > executed the uriM.match returns always -1 (irrespective of whether it
> > is KeyTable.CONTENT_URI or ParticipantTable.CONTENT_URI).
> > Could you let me know what wrong am I doing because of which it is not
> > working.
> > From the note pad example I see during debug the only difference is
> > they call managedQuery instead of getContentReslover().query(...). I
> > tried firing managedQuery(...) in my HomeActivity class, but that also
> > result in uriM.match(uri) to return -1.
> > It will be great if you could help me out.
> > Thanks & Regards,
> > Arpit
> > On Aug 25, 10:20 pm, "A. Elk" <lancaster.dambust...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > The Note Pad example is pretty good for URI content matching.
> > > Basically, you define one or more URIs for a ContentProvider. Don't
> > > think of them as "URLs", just think of them as strings with a
> > > particular format. Using web domains in them is a easy, nearly
> > > foolproof way to ensure that each URI is unique. For example, I can
> > > safely use the content URI 
> > > content://database.lancaster.dambusters.gmail.com
> > > because that's my unique GMail address.
> > > Patterns come in when you want a ContentProvider to return different
> > > things depending on the exact URI. In the Note Pad sample (*not* the
> > > tutorial), there are 3 patterns corresponding to 3 "forms" of data: a
> > > list of notes, a single note, or a set of notes compatible with the
> > > LiveFolder widget. The "list of notes" form is set up in the code and
> > > the manifest so that it returns a set of records. The single note
> > > returns exactly one note, and I forget offhand what LiveFolders does.
> > > Let's look at the first two.
> > > For set of notes, you just specify a "base" URI. The Provider returns
> > > all the notes in the database that match your criteria.
> > > For a single note, you specify a pattern that is the "single note"
> > > base URI with a note ID number appended to it. The ID number is the
> > > value of the "_ID" column for the record you want. The Provider
> > > returns that particular note. As written, the Provider can also filter
> > > the note by selection criteria.
> > > If you look in the code for the Provider, you'll see that it defines 
> > > aUriMatcher. You useUriMatcher.addUri() to match an "authority" (a
> > > base URI without a specific pattern) and a pattern to a value. When a
> > > URI comes in to the query() method, you useUriMatcher.match to match
> > > the incoming URI to a pattern. The method returns the value that you
> > > associated with the pattern in addUri(). TheUriMatcheris defined in
> > > a static block at the end of the code.
> > > As a note, you can use "?" in a pattern as a wildcard to match any
> > > string, and "#" to match any number. The "#" is used to match a single
> > > note in Note Pad.
> > > The Note Pad code is hard to understand because it's designed to
> > > accept alternate actions. This allows other apps to access the
> > > ContentProvider by specifying the proper authority and MimeType. You
> > > can ignore this, basically. The mime type tells the calling app what
> > > it's gonna get back from the Provider. If the type is
> > > vnd.android.cursor.dir, then the calling app knows it may get back
> > > more than one row, whereas if it gets back cursor.item, it gets back
> > > only one item. Incoming Intents have to specify a mimeType so that
> > > they exactly match Note Pad's intent filters. For example, an app that
> > > sends an Intent with action.GET_CONTENT but mime type
> > > vnd.android.cursor.dir won't match any of Note Pad's intent filters.
> > > The elkmeister.

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