I think it' s not good to refer Launcher2's Android.mk

see here

The following is a very simple example.
You just need to change "LocalPackage" to Helloworld" you want to
create as APK's name.

Building a simple APK
  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
  include $(CLEAR_VARS)

  # Build all java files in the java subdirectory
  LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)

  # Name of the APK to build
  LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := LocalPackage

  # Tell it to build an APK
  include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)

On Sep 12, 12:11 pm, mani <smanikanda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wanted to run a helloworld application with the AOSP and see it in
> emulator.
> [ Not through Android SDK setup]
> I followed the steps inhttp://source.android.com/source/download.html
> and compiled successfully the full code from / directory.
> I could see contacts.apk, camera.apk all applications apk in
> ~/mydroid/out/target/product/generic/system/app.
>  I tried two things.
> 1 - Went to /package/apps folder. Took a helloworld
> application( helloworld folder which was created in android-sdk), and
> copied a 'Android.mk' file from Launcher2 folder, kept my new name for
> application 'LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := helloworld'
> and placed the folder in packages/app folder and compiled at /.
>      I couldnt see .apk file created for helloworld in ~/mydroid/out/
> target/product/generic/system/app.
> 2 - I went to Launcher2 folde /package/apps/Launcher2. I changed the
> package name for Launcher2 in packages/app folder in 'Android,mk' file
> and compiled at root. I couldnt see a new apk created on the new
> packaged name( i gave) under
>      ~/mydroid/out/target/product/generic/system/app.
> I tried several times with changes in activity names, application
> names in manifest.xml file. Nothing reflects.But it is sure, both
> helloworld, and change in package name is getting picked up while
> compiling. I could see intermediate classes getting created.
> ~/mydroid/out/target/common/obj/APPS/manifirst_intermediates/src/com/
> android/mani    --> manifirst is like a helloworld which i created and
> run.
> ~/mydroid/out/target/common/obj/APPS/Launcher2_intermediates/src/com/
> android/launcher
> Could anyone please share the steps of compiling a simple Helloworld
> program in AOSP.?
> Thanks,
> Mani

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