Hi Opengl ,

Initially I  was working on android sdk_0.5 and ksoap2 build and my
application was running fine.but now in SDk 1.0 i am unable to consume
web service using the same library.

I know its due to the change in the apache library, but i am unable to
get a latest ksoap2 jar lib to work with new SDK.

It will be very much helpful,if you can give me some tips how to work
around this.


On Nov 7, 12:55 am, opengl es <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I use KSOAP2 (you'll find more about KSOAP2 in forums/groups etc..)
> It works great once you know how to deal with XSD and namespaces and
> KvmSerializable
> here is what i do:
>    private static final String SOAP_ACTION = "MyMethod";
>    private static final String METHOD_NAME = "MyMethod";
>    private static final String NAMESPACE = "http://x.y.z/foo1/foo2";;
>    private static final String NAMESPACE_SDO = "http://x.y.z/foo1/
> foo2Sdo";
>    /*
>     * note that within the emulated system, refers to the
> emulated
>     * device's own loopback interface. if you want to connect to your
> host
>     * machine's "localhost", use the alias instead. maybe
> this
>     * explains your problems ?
>     */
>    private static final String URL = "<myPort>/abc/
> services/MyService";
>    public void mymethodKSOAP(MyObject myObject) {
>        SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);
>        request.addProperty("MyObject", myObject);
>        SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new
> SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
>        envelope.dotNet = false;
>        envelope.addMapping(NAMESPACE_SDO, "MyObject", (new
> MyObject()).getClass());
>        envelope.addMapping(NAMESPACE_SDO, "MyObjectId", (new
> MyObjectId()).getClass());
>        envelope.addMapping(NAMESPACE_SDO, "TheObjectResponse", (new
> TheObjectResponse())
>                .getClass());
>        //etc....
>        // implements all your client java object (and responses
> object) with 'implements KvmSerializable'
>        // inside your client java object define the specific object
> namespace sdo like
>        // private static final String NAMESPACE = "http://x.y.z/foo1/
> foo2Sdo";
>        envelope.setOutputSoapObject(request);
>        AndroidHttpTransport androidHttpTransport = new
> AndroidHttpTransport(URL);
>        try {
>            androidHttpTransport.call(SOAP_ACTION, envelope);
>            resultsRequestSOAP = envelope.getResponse();
>        } catch (Exception e) {
>            e.printStackTrace();
>        }
>    }
> // and you're done
> Note:
> for KvmSerializable implementation
> if you use simple type do
> public void getPropertyInfo(int i, Hashtable hashtable, PropertyInfo
> propertyinfo) {
>        propertyinfo.namespace = NAMESPACE;
>        switch (i) {
>        case 0:
>            propertyinfo.type = (new MyObjectId()).getClass();
>            propertyinfo.name = "myObjectId";
>            break;
>        case 1:
>            propertyinfo.type = PropertyInfo.STRING_CLASS;
>            propertyinfo.name = "aStringField";
>            break;
>        case 2:
>            propertyinfo.type = PropertyInfo.INTEGER_CLASS;
>            propertyinfo.name = "aNumberField";
>            break;
>      // etc....
> }
> Hope this will help you
> Regards,
> Franck
> On Nov 6, 4:05 pm, "Avinash Patil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have simple WSDL web service file and added into project.
> > Now I am trying to use WSDL web service through android class code,
> > but not able to use it.
> > Can anybody suggest how to import WSDL file in ANdroid, so that it can
> > create auto classes for
> > WSDL file and same can be used ion  android main class, where we can
> > send and receive any request/response.
> > Please suggest any simple WSDL use.
> > Thanks a lot!!

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