You may want to look at the OpenMoko FreeRunner handset:

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 2:11 PM, brs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 7, 11:02 am, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It seems that too many people have believed the media hype, or were
> > under the incorrect impression that T-Mobile's G1 would be completely
> > open and free.  *Android* (made by Google and the community) is open
> > source and free for use, but the T-Mobile G1 is somewhat locked down,
> > which is what T-Mobile wanted.
> >
> > Perhaps take this issue up with T-Mobile, it's not really an Android
> > issue.
> As the freedom of the press is sometimes said to be the privilege of
> those who own it, the openness of Android is primarily for the benefit
> of those who can build their own hardware. It would be nice if
> somebody came out with an Android based handset which lets users boot
> whatever image they want to install. The T-Mobile/HTC G1 isn't exactly
> that. In all fairness, the G1 provides a larger than usual sand-box
> for application developers to play in, with far less restriction than
> we are used to from US mobile operators - but wanting to install your
> own OS may be pushing it a bit...
> Bernhard
> >

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