The answer is that it needs to have animation.setFillAfter( true ); in
order to persist the animation after its end.  Strange that this is
not true by default.

On Sep 17, 3:09 pm, ClarkBattle <> wrote:
> Ive tried several interpolators and many different values.  It always
> resets.  RELATIVE_TO_PARENT is not appropriate for this app.  I have a
> small textView that just needs to shrink to a small strip on the side
> of the screen when swiped, exposing another text view below it.
> Thanks though.
> On Sep 17, 12:55 pm, "Tommy" <> wrote:
> > I haven't worked to much with animations but the ones I have that slide in
> > from the right look like this:
> > Animation inFromRight = new TranslateAnimation(
> >                         Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT,  +1.0f,
> > Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT,  0.0f,
> >                         Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT,  0.0f,
> > Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT,   0.0f
> >                         );
> >                         inFromRight.setDuration(600);
> >                         inFromRight.setInterpolator(new
> > AccelerateInterpolator());
> > maybe try to copy and paste that into your app and see if it changes
> > anything. They look almost the same to me except for some numbers and
> > AccelerateInterpolator that I use..... Let me know if it works if you
> > copy/paste it.
> > Tommy
> > Android Mobile Phone Application Developer
> > Database Administrator
> > .net Web Specialist
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:
> > [] On Behalf Of ClarkBattle
> > Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 3:37 PM
> > To: Android Developers
> > Subject: [android-developers] TextView resets its location after an
> > animation
> > I am using a Translate animation on a text view.
> >                 TranslateAnimation animation = new
> > TranslateAnimation(
> >                          TranslateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.0f,
> >                          TranslateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.8f,
> >                          TranslateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0f,
> >                          TranslateAnimation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0f );
> >                 animation.setDuration( ANIMATION_DURATION );
> >                 animation.setInterpolator( new
> > DecelerateInterpolator() );
> >                 myTextView.startAnimation( animation );
> > This works in that it slides the text view to the right.  However,
> > when the animation is complete it puts the text view right back where
> > it started!  I was under the impression tat the view should remain
> > where the animation left it.  Why does this happen?
> > Thanks
> > --
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