On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Namrata <puranik.namr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to integrate ant script into my application as I want to
> use progaurd obfuscation. Currently I build from eclipse and it works
> fine. In my app I am using one lib which is in a apk format. I added
> it in libs/ folder of application. But When I run ant script it shows
> many compile time errors related to lib classes. Basically it
> considers all those classes are missing. am I missing anything which
> is supposed to add in ant script before running it?

I am not aware that you can put an APK into the libs/ directory and
have it work, regardless of Proguard or anything else. The libs/
directory is for JARs.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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