I am trying to rotate a bitmap in OpenGL. I have searched around and
come up with this

    public void drawTexture(Texture texture, int index, float x, float
y, float angle)
        int[] ids = texture.getTextureIds();

        if (ids != null)

            surface.glBindTexture(GL10.GL_TEXTURE_2D, ids[index]);

            // Draw using the DrawTexture extension.
            int drawWidth = texture.getDrawWidth();
            int drawHeight = texture.getDrawHeight();



            surface.glRotatef(angle, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

            ((GL11Ext) surface).glDrawTexfOES(x, screenHeight -
drawHeight - y, 0, drawWidth, drawHeight);




Drawing the bitmaps indicated with the "ids" works fine but no
rotation happens. I am no expert at openGL. Is is possible I need to
set some sort of mode prior to the rotation?

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