By default, the MediaPlayer volume should be set to 1.0, i.e. no

Which stream type are you using when you create the MediaPlayer? Have
you checked to make sure that the master stream volume is set

On Nov 11, 10:10 am, plusminus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thx for the code but I have that onCompletion working with the
> MediaPlayer already.
> The problem actually is that the volume is soooo silent on some files
> (even after volume-normalizing them).
> Does anyone which values to choose, calling the following method on a
> MediaPlayer:
> ------------------
> setVolume(float leftVolume, float rightVolume)
>         Sets the volume on this player.
> ------------------
> I was using 10, as that had been returned once from
> mAudioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);
> SoundPool is playing them in the proper loudness. :(
> But using an unstable API is not what I'd like to do :(
> On Nov 11, 9:43 am, Robert Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here's an example for managing sounds that will be played many times
> > (like gunshots, explosions, clicks, etc) using a pool and then sounds
> > that are just one-offs, like an announcer or an intro sound.
> > public class MediaPlayerPool {
> >         private static final String TAG = "MediaPlayerPool";
> >         private Context context;
> >         private int streamType;
> >         private HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<MediaPlayer>> pools;
> >         public MediaPlayerPool(Context context, int streamType) {
> >                 this.context = context;
> >                 this.streamType = streamType;
> >                 pools = new HashMap<Integer, ArrayList<MediaPlayer>>();
> >         }
> >         public boolean hasMedia(int resourceId) {
> >                 return pools.keySet().contains(resourceId);
> >         }
> >         public void addMedia(int resourceId, int poolSize) {
> >                 ArrayList<MediaPlayer> pool = pools.get(resourceId);
> >                 if (pool == null) {
> >                         pool = new ArrayList<MediaPlayer>();
> >                 }
> >                 for (int i = 0; i < poolSize; i++) {
> >                         pool.add(createMediaPlayer(resourceId));
> >                 }
> >                 pools.put(resourceId, pool);
> >         }
> >         public void playMedia(int resourceId) {
> >                 ArrayList<MediaPlayer> pool = pools.get(resourceId);
> >                 MediaPlayer player = null;
> >                 if (pool.size() > 0) {
> >                         player = pool.remove(0);
> >                 }
> >                 if (player == null) {
> >                         Log.e(TAG, "Pool is empty for resource " + 
> > resourceId);
> >                 } else {
> >                         player.start();
> >                 }
> >         }
> >         public void release() {
> >                 for (Integer key : pools.keySet()) {
> >                         ArrayList<MediaPlayer> pool = pools.get(key);
> >                         for (MediaPlayer player : pool) {
> >                                 if (player.isPlaying()) {
> >                                         player.stop();
> >                                 }
> >                                 player.release();
> >                         }
> >                         pool.clear();
> >                 }
> >                 pools.clear();
> >         }
> >         private MediaPlayer createMediaPlayer(final int resourceId) {
> >                 MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, resourceId);
> >                 mp.setOnCompletionListener(new 
> > MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() {
> >                         public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer player) {
> >                                 player.seekTo(0);
> >                                 returnToPool(resourceId, player);
> >                         }
> >                 });
> >                 mp.setAudioStreamType(streamType);
> >                 return mp;
> >         }
> >         private void returnToPool(int resourceId, MediaPlayer player) {
> >                 ArrayList<MediaPlayer> pool = pools.get(new 
> > Integer(resourceId));
> >                 pool.add(player);
> >         }
> > }
> > public class MediaPlayerSoundManager {
> >         private static final String TAG = "MediaPlayerSoundManager";
> >         private Context context;
> >         private MediaPlayerPool pool;
> >         private HashMap<Integer, Integer> soundResourceMap;
> >         public MediaPlayerSoundManager(Context context) {
> >                 this.context = context;
> >                 this.pool = new MediaPlayerPool(context, 
> > AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);
> >                 this.soundResourceMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
> >         }
> >         public void init() {
> >                 release();
> >                 pool.addMedia(R.raw.sound_1, 2);
> >                 soundResourceMap.put(SOUND_1, R.raw.sound_1);
> >         }
> >         public void playSound(int soundId) {
> >                 int resourceId = getResourceId(soundId);
> >                 if (pool.hasMedia(resourceId)) {
> >                         pool.playMedia(resourceId);
> >                 } else {
> >                         playOneShotSound(resourceId);
> >                 }
> >         }
> >         private int getResourceId(int soundId) {
> >                 Integer resourceId = soundResourceMap.get(soundId);
> >                 if (resourceId == null) {
> >                         Log.e(TAG, "No resource found for soundId " + 
> > soundId);
> >                 }
> >                 return resourceId;
> >         }
> >         private void playOneShotSound(int resourceId) {
> >                 MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, resourceId);
> >                 mp.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC);
> >                 mp.start();
> >                 mp.setOnCompletionListener(new 
> > MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() {
> >                         public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer arg0) {
> >                                 arg0.release();
> >                         }
> >                 });
> >         }
> >         public void release() {
> >                 pool.release();
> >                 soundResourceMap.clear();
> >         }
> > }
> > On Nov 10, 10:04 pm, plusminus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > any ideas on how to implement a kind of OnCompletionListener ?
> > > As I want to queue 2 sounds after each other :/
> > > Any help appreciated.
> > > Best Regards,
> > > plusminus
> > > On 15 Okt., 08:47, Robert Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I just read the whole discussion.  All I can say is... What were they
> > > > thinking??  How is a developer supposed to be able to generate or
> > > > synthesize audio real time?  These are important apps.  Just look at
> > > > the guitar or harmonica app for the iPhone.  Those are very popular
> > > > and do exactly that.
> > > > I'm just dumbfounded that the API developers don't provide such basic
> > > > functionality as setting a byte stream datasource for a media player.
> > > > Media players also are not adequate at all for games other than
> > > > providing the background music.  Games often times have small samples
> > > > that are played very often and need to be layered on each other.
> > > > Maintaining a media player pool seems very heavy and cumbersome just
> > > > to achieve this, not to mention you may end up with a 100 media
> > > > players if you have 30 different samples and estimate that it would be
> > > > possible to play 3 at a time of each.
> > > > Another problem is that for racing, flying and other games which have
> > > > an "engine" sound, it's not possible to get the pitch of the engine to
> > > > match the speed shown on the game without being able to change the
> > > > sampling rate of the sound.  I usedSoundPoolfor that because it
> > > > supported changing the sampling rate while playing and it does work
> > > > correctly for me right now.  Whoever designedSoundPooldefinitely
> > > > knew what they were doing for games because it's the right kind of API
> > > > for that but we still have the problem of not being able to produce
> > > > our own stream of audio on the fly and play it which limits what kind
> > > > of apps we can write and the general quality of the audio in games and
> > > > other applications.
> > > > Originally I was thinking that I'd go the old school route on the
> > > > sound in my game and just mix the audio in an update routine and
> > > > constantly feed the sound buffer but there is no option for this.
> > > > Unbelievable.  I find this really discouraging.  It's also very
> > > > frustrating that there is aSoundPoolAPI which DOES WORK given a few
> > > > bugs and workarounds in the SDK 1.0 and is very suitable for 90% of
> > > > gaming applications as well as soundboard style apps and I'm sure
> > > > other things.  Why would they get rid of this?!
> > > > blindfold - Where did you find that it's not supported under 1.0 r1?
> > > > I can't find any documentation on whether it's supported, intended for
> > > > future or recently added and already deprecated.
> > > > On Oct 15, 3:01 am, blindfold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > it works on both the emulator and a real G1.
> > > > > So you have access to a real G1. Lucky you!!
> > > > > > I'm really surprised that there is no access to the audio buffer.
> > > > > > How are we supposed to write
> ...
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