>From my knowledge of other Java verifiers/compilers, it's more the
complexity of the code rather than its absolute size that is likely to
be the problem.  Methods that branch into a lot of parallel paths (big
nested switch statements, eg) will cause problems, and things get
worse if there are a lot of nested exception handler ranges (try-
finally ranges are the worst).

In addition to somehow reducing the width of parallel branching (eg,
by placing inner switch statements in their own methods), if you can
reduce the number of "global" local variables (method local variables
that reach all branch paths) that's likely to help substantially.

On Oct 13, 11:42 am, MarVel <marina.velik...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on an android application for the analysis of measurements
> (e.g, blood pressure) using a Bayesian network model (PEModelOR is the
> class in my android application), which is embedded in a smart phone.
> Since the measurements are to be taken at sequential times, the model
> contains a number of variables referring to different time controls.
> With the initial version with 2 controls the model run without a
> problem but when I extended the model to 4 controls it crashed
> producing the following error:
> 10-12 16:50:15.291: WARN/dalvikvm(4848): VFY: arbitrarily rejecting
> large method (regs=134 count=17618)
> 10-12 16:50:15.291: WARN/dalvikvm(4848): VFY:  rejected Lcom/example/
> pregmonit/PEModelOR;.<init> ()V
> 10-12 16:50:15.291: WARN/dalvikvm(4848): Verifier rejected class Lcom/
> example/pregmonit/PEModelOR;
> 10-12 16:50:15.311: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(4848): Shutting down VM
> 10-12 16:50:15.311: WARN/dalvikvm(4848): threadid=1: thread exiting
> with uncaught exception (group=0x40027e08)
> 10-12 16:50:15.341: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4848): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
> 10-12 16:50:15.341: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4848): java.lang.VerifyError:
> com.example.pregmonit.PEModelOR
> 10-12 16:50:15.341: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4848):     at
> com.example.pregmonit.EBayes.<init>(EBayes.java:20)
> 10-12 16:50:15.341: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4848):     at
> com.example.pregmonit.EBayes.android_main(EBayes.java:78)
> 10-12 16:50:15.341: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4848):     at
> com.example.pregmonit.Status.onCreate(Status.java:54)
> I saw that in a recent 
> discussionhttp://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/threa...
> Dirk has encountered the same problem but unfortunately I could not
> see any solution to that.
> The extended PEModelOR method runs without problems in Java but it
> fails in the android application due to the dalvikvm verifier as far
> as I understood. The PEModelOR method is a description of a Bayesian
> Network in java and it simply contains definition of 62 variables and
> 62 probability distribution tables (in total 700 lines and the java
> file is 41 KB); below is a sample of the code (note that BayesNet is a
> class loaded via external jar):
> import BayesianNetworks.*;
> public class PEModelOR extends BayesNet {
>         public PEModelOR() {
>         name = "PEModelOR";
> ......
> final DiscreteVariable DB =
> new DiscreteVariable ("DB",
> DiscreteVariable.CHANCE,
> new String[] { "yes","no" });
> .......
> DiscreteFunction p62=
> new DiscreteFunction(
> new DiscreteVariable[] {DB},
> new DiscreteVariable[] {FHDiab},
> new double[] {0.0052, 0.2, 0.9948, 0.8 });
> .......
> Does the size/definition of PEModelOR cause the problem? I'm not sure
> how I can split it as it needs to be loaded at once for creating the
> network and running the model with available measurements. The thing
> is that this is even not the final version of the model, where the
> goal is to have 11 time controls, ending up with 112 variables and
> probability tables, and 1245 lines.
> Is there a way out or alternative of implementing PEModelOR so that it
> does not fail at verification?
> I will highly appreciate any help and suggestions on solving this
> problem. Thanks a lot in advance.
> Cheers, MarVel

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