Thanks a ton. It worked!

On Nov 11, 3:42 pm, hackbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Be sure you install the .apk providing the permission before the one
> using it.  You can see what permissions your app has been granted by
> digging through the output of "adb shell dumpsys package".
> Also PLEASE DO NOT use the name "android.permission."  The namespaces
> "android.* and "*" are reserved for the android platforms,
> and applications MUST NOT USE THEM.
> On Nov 11, 11:43 am, Raktim Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks a lot for analyzing the problem.
> > First, my comment on your second point -
> > This I had already been doing - as in the client application's
> > manifest, the service application's manifest too has this entry under
> > the manifest tag:
> > <uses-permission
> > android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_SERVICE" />
> > Now coming to the first point, I changed the client code line from -
> > Intent intent = new Intent(this,
> >;
> > to
> > Intent intent = new Intent("");
> > After the change, it seems the service is identified and the earlier
> > warning message -
> > "Unable to start service Intent{ comp={
> >} }:not found "
> > is not coming.
> > But then the permission related SecurityException is coming at the
> > client statement "startService(intent)" as below:
> > - WARN/PackageManager(57): Not granting permission
> > android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_SERVICE to package
> > (protectionLevel=3 flags=0x44)
> > - ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1111): ERROR: thread attach failed
> > - WARN/ActivityManager(57): Permission Denial: Accessing service
> > ComponentInfo{} from
> > pid=57, uid=1000 requires android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_SERVICE
> > - ERROR/AndroidRuntime(1120): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to
> > start activity ComponentInfo{
> >}: java.lang.SecurityException: Not
> > allowed to start service Intent
> > { } without permission
> > android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_SERVICE
> > I think I am missing something with the declaration of permission in
> > the manifest(s). What is your opinion?
> > Thanks,
> > Raktim.
> > On Nov 11, 4:48 am, hackbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The Intent you are making to bind to the service is trying to find a
> > > component in your own .apk, not the other.
> > > The last permission error you mention is because you need to
> > > explicitly request to use even your own permissions.
> > > On Nov 10, 9:31 pm, Raktim Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I am using 0.9 beta SDK.
> > > > I want to have a service defined within one application to be
> > > > invokable from another.
> > > > The application hosting the service has, in its manifest, the
> > > > following inside the application tag:
> > > > <service android:name=".service.BackgroundService"
> > > > android:process=":remote"  android:exported="true"
> > > > android:permission="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_SERVICE">
> > > >         <intent-filter>
> > > >                 <action 
> > > > android:name="" />
> > > >         </intent-filter>
> > > > </service>
> > > > It also has the following inside the manifest tag:
> > > > <permission android:name="android.permission.BACKGROUND_SERVICE"
> > > > android:protectionLevel="dangerous"/>
> > > > In my client application's manifest xml file, I have the following
> > > > inside manifest tag:
> > > > <uses-permission
> > > > android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_SERVICE" />
> > > > The client Activity code has the following API called from its
> > > > onCreate() method:
> > > >     private void startBackgroundService()
> > > >     {
> > > >         mConnection = new ServiceConnection()
> > > >         {
> > > >             public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className,
> > > > IBinder service)
> > > >             {
> > > >                 Log.i(TAG, "Connected to background service");
> > > >                 mService =
> > > > BackgroundService.Stub.asInterface(service);
> > > >             }
> > > >             public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className)
> > > >             {
> > > >                 mService = null;
> > > >                 Log.i(TAG, "Background service disconnected");
> > > >             }
> > > >         };
> > > >         Intent intent = new Intent(this,
> > > >       ;
> > > >         startService(intent);
> > > >         boolean result = bindService(intent, mConnection,
> > > > Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
> > > >         Log.i(TAG, "Background service bind result:  " + result);
> > > >     }
> > > > When I run the client Activity, it can not bind to the service:
> > > > - the log statement at the end has "Background service bind result:
> > > > false".
> > > > - the onServiceConnected() method is not called
> > > > - There is a waring log from ActivityManager:
> > > > WARN/ActivityManager(58): Unable to start service Intent
> > > > { comp={} }:
> > > > not found
> > > > I have tried running the same without any permission in the service
> > > > application manifest and also without the uses-permission tag in
> > > > client. The result was the same.
> > > > But when I run a similar client code inside my service application
> > > > (without specifying any permissions), it runs perfectly.
> > > > Finally, the most peculiar thing is happening when I am running this
> > > > client code inside my service application but with the permissions
> > > > specified (as written above) in the manifest - it runs with this error
> > > > at the statement "startService(intent)":
> > > > Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to start service
> > > > Intent { comp={} }
> > > > without permission android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_SERVICE
> > > > Any hint on this will be highly appreciated. I'd also like to know
> > > > whether I can start and access the service from an ActivityGroup
> > > > outside the service application domain.
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > -Raktim.
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