In most cases retrying would be simple, I guess I could try that and
see what I get...

In my case I take care of not multi-thread access the DB, so if I
launch a new thread I wait for its callback until I do anything else
on the DB. One question, if you open your DB as "READ-ONLY" would it
matter if you access it from different threads?

Any idea of why it would fail to find a table/column that exits and is
not corrupted or anything?


On Oct 26, 10:13 pm, Bret Foreman <> wrote:
> I think you should add logic that implements a backoff delay and retry
> when the table is not found. 100 mS between tries and 5 tries for a
> total of 1/2 second. In the rare case where it has to retry, the user
> should never notice.
> I have a lot of multi-threaded SQLite access and I had to implement
> something like this to handle collisions. In my case, I randomized the
> backoff time but that's not necessary unless you have multiple
> threads.
> On Oct 26, 1:27 pm, Albert <> wrote:
> > Hi, still randomly see that the DB does not recognize one of my
> > tables. The table is shipped along with the database and unlike others
> > is not modified at any time. I can also see through my own tests that
> > the way I open the database has a great impact on this.
> > What is the recommended way to open the DB, considering that I will
> > write on it?
> > SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null,
> > SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
> > SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null,
> > this.getWritableDatabase();
> > the latest is working more reliable for me so far...
> > Thanks in advance.
> > On Oct 15, 3:45 pm, Albert <> wrote:
> > > > I have an app that does something similar and the way I ensure that
> > > > the copy is finished is that I have a special end-of-load (EOL) record
> > > > that goes into the table as the last item. My app does a select for
> > > > that EOL record each time it's launched. If the table isn't created
> > > > yet or the EOL is missing then the app puts up a screen asking the
> > > > user to wait a moment.
> > > That's a very good idea. Thanks for the tip.
> > > I have setup Acra (Error reporting) and I send myself reports when I
> > > catch this exception, I see it happening with some users but I know
> > > the table is there because next time the user tries the table with the
> > > records are all good. I managed to get an user to send me the log and
> > > I verified this.

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