
Let me back up and give more context. My Activity draws various
TextViews and other UI elements with data from a local SQLite
database. When it can't find the data it needs locally, it draws a
placeholder icon and generates a request to a web service for the
data. The interface to the web service is enclosed in an IntentService
which handles the background activity associated with the web service.
When the data comes back, the IntentService places it in the SQLite
database and generates a broadcast Intent back to the Activity, which
has registered a receiver to receive the Intent. The Intent includes a
tag so the Activity knows which UI element can now be drawn with local
data. This tag is held in an Extra Bundle inside the Intent.

This all works about 2/3 of the time. However, about 1/3 of the
messages are being "lost" somehow. No exceptions are being thrown and
there is no message in the logcat that seems associated with the
receiver dropping messages.

One added wrinkle is that my Activity encounters 10 UI elements where
local data is missing and so it generates 10 calls to the
IntentService in the space of a few milliseconds. 6 or 7 Intents are
returned and 3 or 4 are missing. The exact number returned varies
depending on the run. The entire process takes about 10 seconds.

My understanding from Mark Murphy is that this is expected behavior,
that Intents that look similar and arrive close by in time are
considered duplicates and one of them is dropped.

This behavior is not that hard to demonstrate in a test project so I
could generate a case in b.android.com if you think what's happening
is contrary to what should happen. It occurs to me that the Android
regression tests may not cover the case of multiple calls to the
IntentService spaced over a short period of time and sending back
multiple Intents. If you think the behavior I'm seeing is incorrect
then it sounds like there is a concurrency problem in the
sendBroadcast method of the IntentService. Maybe sendBroadcast is not

On Nov 3, 8:15 pm, Dianne Hackborn <hack...@android.com> wrote:
> I can't even follow what you are doing.  First you were talking about
> broadcast receivers, now you are talking about Activity.createPendingResult.
> Could we back up and start with a high-level picture of what you are trying
> to accomplish?

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