The default touch highlight behavior in a ListView is that the text
starts as white on a black background and changes to white on an
orange background when a finger is placed on the item.

I'm using an ExpandableListView (ELV) which I've modified to include a
3rd level of list items. I see the expected touch highlight behavior
at the top level of the ELV, just as with a normal ListView. However,
I don't get any touch highlight behavior at the lower two levels.

I presume this behavior is supposed to happen in the OnTouchListener
for the selected View and that an ACTION_DOWN MotionEvent should
trigger the color change and an ACTION_UP should change it back.

It looks like I can call setBackgroundResource for the selected view
to set the orange background.

I have a few questions:

First, am I on the right track - changing the background in the

Second, is there a pre-defined resource that matches the standard
orange color? If not, where can I find a Drawable that matches that

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