You may want to try the Messaging Design Pattern (MDP) or the Command
Design Pattern. MDP
provides improvements in terms of coupling, encapsulation and

Messaging Design Pattern (MDP) and pattern implementation -
Published in the 17th conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
(PLoP 2010).

The Jt design pattern framework provides implementations for both of
these patterns:

Jt Design Pattern framework

I hope this helps.

On Nov 2, 3:21 pm, jotobjects <> wrote:
> Further even the Service constructor is called asynchronously.
> It looks like all operations on a Local Service have to go through the
> ServiceConnection, or at least operations on the service have to be
> deferred until after onServiceConnected has been called.  Is that
> correct?
> Any other pointers about the correctdesignpatternto use for a
> LocalService?
> On Nov 2, 11:54 am, jotobjects <> wrote:
> > I have tried both startService() and bindService().  Both methods
> > return before Service.onCreate() is called.  So work I was expecting
> > to complete in Service.onCreate() is not done.
> > Is it necessary to do initialization steps in the Service
> > constructor?  If so what use is the Service.onCreate method?  Any
> > suggestions about how others handle this problem?
> > I found this thread which describes the problem, but the poster's
> > solution is not described.
> >

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