I did the Ubinuri thing. It involved adding their Application Rights
Management (ARM) to my paid app. That was really straightforward,
after a bit of going around trying to find the developer's key that
they had sent me in their initial reply to my statement of interest.
For some reason they could not just tell me "it's in that email we
originally sent", so we went around and around.

Once we cleared that up, it was all really simple. They provide a
testing framework for testing their ARM and they translated my
strings.xml file into Korean.

Once I sent the app to them, it took another couple of weeks for them
to do testing on their end and get the app on their marketplace. Then
they wired me the $300 they mention in the initial email; many times
what I had previously made on the app. After deductions for the
international wire transfer, $280 ended up in my bank account.

It's possible that my app will sell some copies also. At least I hope
so for their sake, so they can recoup the $300. Even then I'm supposed
to get 50% of sales.

I found the experience to be educational and lucrative. Discounting
the confusion over the developer key, mostly my fault, it probably
took less than a few of hours to implement the ARM and do the required
testing. $280 is not a bad return on that investment of my time.

I'd do it again if I had an app they wanted.

On Nov 5, 1:44 am, Mark Carter <mjc1...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Someone else posted about this back in July over on Android Discuss:
> http://groups.google.com/group/android-discuss/browse_thread/thread/7...
> I just got the standard email from them this morning.
> On Oct 28, 4:09 am, Kumar Bibek <coomar....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Never heard of it. There are some rumours about Market supporting
> > Paypal. That's gonna be interesting.
> > On Oct 28, 12:07 am, Flying Coder <av8r.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I'm sure many, if not most, of us have been contacted byUbinuriabout
> > > distributing apps in Korea.  Just wondering if anyone has any
> > > experience dealing with them?  Good, bad?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Steve- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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