Um, yes... except that I'm randomly getting OutOfMemoryExceptions when
I create a new bitmap :)

On Nov 16, 11:13 am, Romain Guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 16 MB is the maximum limit of the heap. Your app can use at most 16
> MB.  The heap in your application will grow as more memory is needed.
> If you're currently at 3/4 MB, then everything's fine :))
> On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 11:00 AM, EboMike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for your answer, Romain!
> > How much of those 16MB are accessible to the app? When I look at the
> > Heap view in the DDMS, I only see one heap with a total size of 3MB,
> > sometimes 4MB. If I add up all the allocations (either in the VM Heap
> > or the allocation tracker), I don't get anywhere near 16 MB. I also
> > don't see any major allocation from the drawables themselves other
> > than 16KB for the BufferedInputReader and BitmapFactory per drawable -
> > is the bitmap data being allocated by native code and invisible to the
> > VM allocation tracker?
> > After a gc, Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() typically gives me
> > numbers between 600KB and 800KB at any given point while I have the
> > Gallery up.
> > It also seems that I'm not leaking any drawables, at least judging by
> > the number of BitmapDrawable/Bitmap/BufferedInputRead/BitmapFactory
> > objects I have in the allocation tracker - they match the amount of
> > visible views in my gallery.
> > -Mike
> > On Nov 15, 1:01 am, Romain Guy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Applications have a hard limit of 16 MB. As for the other bug you
> >> mention, it has nothing to do with memory usage; the implementation of
> >> BitmapFactory that reads images from URL will fail over slow
> >> connections. Besides, when you load a Drawable from the resources, it
> >> simply calls the BitmapFactory to decode the resource anyway.
> >> If you hit an out of memory exception, your app *is* using too much
> >> memory (which you might very well be "leaking," it's not that hard,
> >> especially if you use static fields in your code.) You can use DDMS
> >> and its allocation tracker, as well as its various GC/heap monitors to
> >> see when and how your application is allocating so much memory.
> >> I have run myself into this issue several times over the past 18
> >> months and every time, the application was leaking something
> >> (especially on screen rotation.)
> >> On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 12:55 AM, blindfold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > Well Mike, I don't know either, but just remember from my own app that
> >> > I too had a zillion unexplained "Clamp target GC heap" messages at
> >> > that 16 MB limit (while my app definitely needs far less memory than
> >> > that), until I got rid of Drawables altogether. It could have been a
> >> > coincidence, but together with the report from a Google Android Team
> >> > member 
> >> > that
> >> > "this is a known bug" (without being more specific) and his Drawable-
> >> > free workaround it suggested that this could be related to your
> >> > problem. Of course there are plenty of other things that could be
> >> > wrong...
> >> >> This is for an ImageSwitcher, so I need a Drawable of some sort
> >> > I have never used ImageSwitcher myself (Android seems to often offer
> >> > at least three totally different ways to do the same thing, which is
> >> > nice if two-out-of-three are still too buggy for deployment <g>). Yet
> >> > to avoid Drawables there I could imagine trying
> >> > ImageSwitcher.setImageURI(new ContentURI("/data/data/mypackage/files/
> >> > myimage.jpg")) if the image is in internal flash, or
> >> > ImageSwitcher.setImageURI(new ContentURI("/sdcard/mypath/
> >> > myimage.jpg")) when loading from SD card. Just my two cent guess.
> >> > Regards
> >> > On Nov 15, 7:57 am, EboMike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> Hey blind, you're right, I'm using Drawables -- BitmapDrawables, to be
> >> >> precise. This is for an ImageSwitcher, so I need a Drawable of some
> >> >> sort (since I'm loading jpeg images off the storage device, so I can't
> >> >> use resources). I've tried BitmapFactory.decodeFile() instead of
> >> >> BitmapDrawables constructor that takes a String, but I get the same
> >> >> result, except that the OutOfMemoryException is now in
> >> >> BitmapFactory.decodeFile() itself instead of a cryptic callstack like
> >> >> before.
> >> >> I also call the gc right before creating the Bitmap... and the TTY is
> >> >> kind of interesting:
> >> >> 06:50:43.970: INFO/dalvikvm-heap(6039): Clamp target GC heap from
> >> >> 17.019MB to 16.000MB
> >> >> 06:50:43.990: DEBUG/dalvikvm(6039): GC freed 8139 objects / 927224
> >> >> bytes in 171ms
> >> >> 06:50:45.271: ERROR/dalvikvm-heap(6039): 38400-byte external
> >> >> allocation too large for this process.
> >> >> 06:50:45.271: ERROR/(6039): VM won't let us allocate 38400 bytes
> >> >> 06:50:45.280: DEBUG/skia(6039): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx allocPixelRef
> >> >> failed
> >> >> The gc freed 927KB, and then cannot allocate 38KB? Um, what?
> >> >> -Mike
> >> --
> >> Romain
> --
> Romain
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