wow, you're in a rush.  I thought you had all year for this project!

Google have spent man-years of development effort to build a Maps
solution.  Rather than waste the effort to re-engineer it yourself why
don't you leverage it to your advantage instead and do something
creative and interesting instead?.

Here are some suggestions:

- Build a custom overlay of the campus buildings and place them over
the Google Maps versions, so that they pan and zoom nicely as the
underlying map is manipulated.  This will also stop worries about what
will happen when you reach the end of your world.  Add a menu option
to center on the Campus and zoom appropriately so your users can
always get back to a useful starting point.

- Add a button to Turn on and off current location.

- Look at capturing touch events on your buildings so that you could
set them as destinations.

- Use intents to launch Google Navigator when they have destinations
to visit and give them walking directions from their current location.

- Go round the campus and physically check GPS accuracy in the
buildings.  If you are lucky then it may be accurate enough to allow
navigation within a building.  Do intra-building directions.

- Build a server-side app that records the trails of your users as
they journey around campus.
   - Analyse the data to find out what are the most trafficked routes
and see if you can suggest improvements to the College staff.

   - Build 'crowdsourced' feedback to show typical journey times and
color the routes according to congestion.

Build in a Manhunt or Zombie-type game where students can get points
for photographing specific landmarks or finding each other etc.

Do you really need more ideas?

On Nov 17, 12:59 pm, Mikey <> wrote:
> bump. would like to start working on this again but don't know what
> direction to go!

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