As an alternative to my posted code, I tried as a test example instead

InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)
CheckBox c = new CheckBox(this);
imm.showSoftInput(c.getRootView(), InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED);

Again, I get the soft keyboard and associated proper key events with
this code as I run my program. Moreover, even after launching a
third-party activity via startActivityForResult() as described in my
previous message I now get the soft keyboard popup, *BUT* it does not
generate any key events that my app sees. The dummy checkbox shows up
alright, but it is as if c.getRootView() somehow no longer belongs to
my app despite it defining the checkbox.

I should note that there seems to be a timing issue, in that the
problem always occurs after running the third-party activity for only
a few seconds, and the problem often does not occur if I let the
third-party activity run a bit longer. Maybe the issue is in part that
Android has not quite finished stopping my app before returning to it?
Still, I cannot figure out how to properly fix this problem myself, or
where to add semaphores for better stability. In all other respects my
app runs fine after the third-party activity excursion, e.g., all
other touch events on the screen continue to work fine. It is only the
soft keyboard of InputMethodManager that is here causing me problems.
Is it a known issue with InputMethodManager? I'm running Android 2.2
(Froyo) on HTC Desire.


On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 7:14 PM, blindfold <> wrote:
> I have a problem with the soft keyboard after launching another
> activity. Upon a touch event I use
> InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)
> getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
> imm.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED, 0);
> to pop up the soft keyboard, which works just fine.
> However, after launching and returning from another (third-party)
> activity via startActivityForResult(), the touch events again work
> fine but the soft keyboard no longer shows up with the above lines. I
> have this problem after launching the phone's browser, after launching
> ZXing as well as after launching an Admob test ad. Apparently
> something about the launched activity still lingers after returning
> from these third-party activities. What must one do to restore a
> proper state to get the soft keyboard to pop up again, or is this an
> Android bug?
> Curiously, the problem is cured after doing yet another
> startActivityForResult() but then for one of my own activities. The
> question is what exactly it is that I need to "reset" to regain proper
> toggleSoftInput() behavior.
> Thanks!

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