Two years ago, when I downloaded the Android SDK, I had to get rid of
all the symbolic links to OpenJDK and replace them with Sun's JDK.
Then everything worked.

I'm not sure that is still necessary, but both Eclipse and the Android
SDK then seemed to run better with Sun's JDK rather than OpenJDK.

On Dec 10, 3:52 am, Mofajjal Hossain <> wrote:
> I can't start up emulator  , it's getting stucked in ANDROID logo
> screen .
>   -- I have Eclipse Galilio
>   -- Ubuntu 10.10
>   -- Open JDK 6 , JRE 6
>   -- downloaded latest android SDK and ADT
> Tried from terminal by creating new AVD and also have tried from
> running from Eclipse but it doesn't starts.
> I am just in a hang!... help me please...
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Br
> Arafat

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