I've solved the issue with small labels on the google maps on hdpi

You need a bit of reflection (see the snippet of smali code below):
class com.google.googlenav.map.MapTile {

.field public static final TEXT_SIZE_DESKTOP:B = 0x0t
.field public static final TEXT_SIZE_LARGE:B = 0x3t
.field public static final TEXT_SIZE_MEDIUM:B = 0x2t
.field public static final TEXT_SIZE_SMALL:B = 0x1t

.field static textSize:I

Setting static field textSize to constant value  TEXT_SIZE_LARGE at
the end of onCreate method makes a miracle - labels on the maps become
large enough to read easily.
Note: you need to clean application cache to kill old map tiles.

On Dec 17, 8:29 pm, JP <joachim.pfeif...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering for quite some time now about the apparent detachment
> of the Maps API from the underlying system that the Google Maps app
> enjoys. Having loosely followed the updates to the Google Maps app on
> Android, it appears the Maps API is stuck in 2007 (save pinch-zoom).
> The biggest issue to me actually rakes back more than a year. I could
> not find an answer how to scale the Maps API "correctly" to the higher
> resolution devices. This means street names and labels are too small
> to be legible on devices like the Nexus One. Possibly there is no
> answer at this point. The only "option" that I have found is to set up
> the app to run in backwards "compatibility mode", which is hardly the
> answer.
> Receiving an update of the Maps API to the same vector-based system
> that the Google Maps app uses, would be a sweeping solution to that
> problem, and of course would offer the benefits and the hedonistic
> quality of the 3D-style view that we've seen released in Google Maps.
> It'll be interesting to see how long the developers using the Android
> Maps API will remain hanging high an dry, now that the disconnect to
> the underlying system of the Google Maps app is all too apparent.
> On Dec 17, 4:31 am, Federico Paolinelli <fedep...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Will new map app features be available in mapview as well?
> > I'd really love to see rotation in it.
> > Thanks
> >        Federico

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