thanks again mr bob, and how i can to view the code from FM Radio app?
i wish you good luck from everything you do!!!!!

On Dec 17, 5:06 pm, Bob Kerns <> wrote:
> By the way, I got my build with the FM Radio app here:
> (that's a shortened link to
> On Dec 17, 1:26 am, wolf <> wrote:> thank you mr bob!!!!
> > On Dec 16, 1:58 pm, Bob Kerns <> wrote:
> > > Well, I doubt HTC is going to tell you, so your best approach, I
> > > think, would either to see what the people who integrated it on to
> > > Nexus One did, or to reverse engineer the app yourself.
> > > I suspect that's more trouble than it's worth, as the result won't be
> > > something that's supported, and will only work on a limited number of
> > > devices.
> > > On Dec 16, 12:59 am, wolf <> wrote:> thanks mr brill, 
> > > you are closer than the other answer, i want to know
> > > > how the FM Radio app is work, the code, not how to use it in my
> > > > programs.
> > > > On Dec 15, 3:07 pm, Bob Kerns <> wrote:

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