The following links may be useful. Jt implements web/services and
on Android:

a) Java Pattern Oriented Framework, An application of the Messaging
Design Pattern
IBM Technical Library

b) Messaging Design Pattern (MDP) and pattern implementation -
Published in the 17th conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
(PLoP 2010).

c) Messaging Design Pattern and a distributed Component/Service Model

On Dec 15, 7:28 am, flipside <> wrote:
> I'm developing an application in which the user will be firing off
> http gets sporadically. Perhaps a burst of four or five, then a pause
> for maybe a few seconds or or tens of seconds or a few minutes, and
> then another burst. I'm familiar with HTTPClient in non-Android apps,
> and it seems appropriate to use AndroidHTTPClient in this scenario.
> I'm trying to determine the most efficient way to put it into a thread
> and use it.
> The transient thread-creation methods such as AsynchTask and
> IntentService don't seem appropriate, because the AndroidHTTPClient
> will be lost when the task completes. Perhaps I should put into a
> Service. I guess that what I'm trying to do is a pretty common
> requirement and I was wondering if anyone had any pointers. I'm
> thinking particularly about how best to cater for life-cycle events
> and configuration changes that might affect ongoing requests. I'm
> expecting most of the requests to be short-lived, but of course there
> is no guarantee.

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