On Dec 19, 2:14 pm, Tabman <tabishfay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a question related to this. How many phones are out there with this
> type of behavior ? I want to access Camera Photos/Videos on a phone and for
> that I've used EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI but it seems that approach would fail on
> a phone like Droid Incredible. How should I design my app such that it is
> able to get camera data from any android phone ?

It will fail on the Droid Incredible because they didn't wire up that
URI to point to the "external" storage mounted at, I think, /emmc.
That's fragmentation for you.  (I think they did it wrong.)  But at
least their camera app doesn't put content on the sdcard.  It's forced
into the built-in space that will get picked up by the Android media
scanner when it indexes EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.

However, it works on Galaxy S devices because its built-in "external"
space is wired to that URI --AND-- if you do have a sdcard in the
device, it will mount THAT filesystem underneath the internal storage
space.  So if the internal storage space was at /mnt/sdcard, your
additional sdcard would be at /mnt/sdcard/external_sd.  And when the
Android media scanner runs to index media referenced by
EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, it will scan all of /mnt/sdcard, including the
sdcard.  So they're doing it in a more compatible way that lets you
get at the media on the user's sdcard in addition to the built-in

I don't know what the Nexus S or HTC Hero do.  I also don't know what
this Picasa Tool Pro does.  Maybe it doesn't query against the Android
content providers for media and does its own thing instead.


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