don't have the answer, but wondering this myself. my guess is the same
as yours ... the docs must be incorrect.

On Dec 7, 9:02 pm, davemac <> wrote:
> This is a new method in Android 2.3's LocationManager. It says
> basically the same thing as what it says for requestLocationUpdates(),
> except that there's no way to specify a minTime or minDistance. From
> the name I would guess that my listener is going to be called once and
> that's it, maybe as soon as a reliable location is available. But the
> descriptions start with this:
> Registers the current activity to be notified periodically by the
> named provider. Periodically, the supplied LocationListener will be
> called with the current Location or with status updates.
> "Periodically" is not defined nor settable it seems. And why would
> this method be called requestSingleUpdate if it gets multiple updates?
> Does anyone know how to use these methods?
> Thanks.

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