You'll probably need a set of reusable Android components (Database,
Services, etc) for this.
You may want to take a look a the Jt Design Pattern Framework:

a) Java Pattern Oriented Framework, An application of the Messaging
Design Pattern
IBM Technical Library

b) Messaging Design Pattern (MDP) and pattern implementation -
Published in the 17th conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
(PLoP 2010).

On Dec 27, 6:45 pm, chat2joe <> wrote:
> Hey all,
> We're starting a new project for college. We've no android development
> experience, not even Java, so really jumping in the deep end. So any
> advice on relevant tutorials is welcome... I haven't found too much on
> maps online.
> - We need to develop an application that will allow users to share
> their location... this will upload to a database every few seconds.
> - Then users can view other users on a google map, positions
> downloaded every few seconds from the database.
> - We will want the positions to update automatically at a fixed
> interval and "redraw" on the map.
> - Also we will need to draw paths/manual-routes as an overlay on the
> map.
> Any advice where to begin with this?
> I have the SDK downloaded and the Hello Android tutorial completed.
> Any advice on a series of tutorials, videos, etc that would help
> achive the above would be great.... it's a big step from Hello
> Android!
> Thanks,
> Joe

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