
I just did a quick glance at the build procedure and it seems that
everything is working correctly. I made the ant build file using
'android update project ...' originally. For sanity sake, I deleted
the generated R.java file, and recompiled it and installed my app to
an emulator. The R.java file was regenerated, but when I ran it in the
emulator, it still crashed randomly.

I don't think I am doing anything special, but I am going to look at
this deeper later on.


On Dec 22, 4:30 am, Bob Kerns <r...@acm.org> wrote:
> I should also point out that you can get the 'android' command to set
> up ant build files for you, and this is probably a better idea than
> doing it yourself.
> I have been doing it myself, based on what the android command did,
> because when I first did it, there were various serious flaws in how
> it did it, including the hardwired use of the 'ascii' encoding (which
> is just plain nuts, and is still the default, but can be overridden
> now).  But at this point, I plan to replace my android-specific
> portion with using theirs, and just handle the build management
> (checkout, etc.) with a wrapper that calls theirs to do the actual
> build.
> See here for how to use the 'android' tool to set this up:
> http://developer.android.com/intl/de/guide/developing/other-ide.html
> On Dec 22, 1:14 am, Bob Kerns <r...@acm.org> wrote:
> > I would make sure you're running aapt as part of each and every build.
> > And also aidl, if you use aidl files. These both need to run *before*
> > you run javac, because they produce java files that need to be
> > compiled. If you run them after, you'll always be picking up the
> > version from your previous build instead of teh current one, and the
> > resource IDs won't match if you've made changes to the resources.
> > Also, make sure that your javac task lists as source directories both
> > your source, and the generated output from aapt and aidl.
> > This example is a bit outdated, but illustrates:
> >         <javac encoding="ascii" target="1.5" debug="true" extdirs=""
> >                 destdir="${out.classes.absolute.dir}"
> >                 bootclasspathref="android.target.classpath"
> >                 verbose="${verbose}" classpath="$
> > {extensible.classpath}">
> >             <src path="${source.absolute.dir}" />
> >             <src path="${gen.absolute.dir}" />
> >             <classpath>
> >                 <fileset dir="${external.libs.absolute.dir}"
> > includes="*.jar" />
> >             </classpath>
> >         </javac>
> > On Dec 20, 9:38 am,BrianOlsen<brian.ol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I have been building an Android app for some time now, and I decided
> > > to start using Ant for building instead of through Eclipse. Building
> > > through Eclipse has always worked flawlessly, but when I started
> > > building with Ant, the builds (that would install in an emulator)
> > > would always be unstable. Ant would always build and install the app
> > > fine, but running the app would cause these serious instability
> > > issues.
> > > Here are a few examples that would occur after building with Ant and
> > > installing the app:
> > > 1. The application would force close because of ClassCastExceptions
> > > being thrown. The source of these errors would be traced to casts like
> > > this:
> > > (LinearLayout)findViewById(R.id.my_layout)
> > > In this case, R.id.my_layout (or whatever I called it) would point to
> > > a non-existing resource. Of course, building this in Eclipse would not
> > > show these errors.
> > > 2. The wrong string resources would be used in an unpredictable way.
> > > 3. Layouts would not load up correctly, also causing random failures
> > > and force-closes.
> > > I believe that the source of these issues is related to how it is
> > > compiling R.java and the way it links it up to resources. I am
> > > unfamiliar as to how it builds resources into apps, so I am at a loss
> > > as to why this is occurring in the first place.
> > > The interesting thing is that if I make some change to the source
> > > code, and do another 'ant compile' or 'ant install', the problems in
> > > the previous build disappear and new resource issues pop up.
> > > After plenty of googling, I could not find anything describing
> > > something similar to this issue. I am concerned that potentially
> > > building via Ant might be exposing issues that I am not aware of, so
> > > besides using Ant, I just want to make sure.
> > > Is this a known issue? I just want to make sure before I attempt to
> > > reproduce the problem on a smaller scale.
> > > My development computer is:
> > > - Mac OS X 10.6.5
> > > - from java -version:
> > > java version "1.6.0_22"
> > > Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_22-b04-307-10M3261)
> > > Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.1-b03-307, mixed mode)
> > > I'm just using the default JVM for this.
> > > - building against Android + Google APIs, API 8 revision 2.
> > > Thank you very much,
> > >Brian

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