Tabman's answer might possibly be what you're looking for -- but the
more general answer I'd give would be:

"You can't, and you generally don't need to. What are you really
trying to do?" Most of the times that people think they want to abort
waiting IO, that's really not what they need. It's usually sufficient
to indicate that the loop that was processing the data that its job is

Aborting actual IO calls is an iffy thing on all platforms I've ever
used. (Note I'm talking about real-world behavior here; some APIs do
document a well-defined abort operation). I've done all manner of
asynchronous and threaded IO over many decades, but very, very seldom
have I needed to abort a pending IO operation. In fact, I may never
have encountered a need to do so.

Timeouts are often important, but aborting a pending I/O operation
implies you don't really care whether it succeeded or failed (as
that's a race condition), and yet you have a need for terminating the
I/O operation too urgent for a timeout. The need for urgent
cancellation I have a hard time justifying.

On Jan 7, 12:48 pm, ivan <> wrote:
> Tabman,
> I think that's the best idea yet, but I'm surprised the Apache classes
> don't offer some mechanism for "manually" interrupting the I/O
> blocks.  After all, we can set timeouts on all of the I/O operations,
> which will interrupt the blocks with socket timeout exceptions etc.
> Thanks.
> On Jan 7, 1:31 pm, Tabman <> wrote:
> > I think you can extend the InputStream class and override its read
> > method and inside read you can cancel/stop the read loop operation
> > whenever you want to.
> > Here is the source for 
> > InputStream.java
> > Let me know if this solves your problem.
> > On Jan 7, 7:07 pm, ivan <> wrote:
> > > I'm wondering what the currently suggested method is for interrupting
> > > a read operation of a socket input stream?
> > > I know that traditionally the read could be interrupted by closing the
> > > socket from another thread and catching an IOException, but I'm not
> > > quite sure how to get at the socket from the apache classes.
> > > Maybe I should use some sort of interruptible channel instead ... ?
> > > Any links or help is greatly appreciated.
> > > My code looks like this -- minus most of the error handling:
> > > org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient
> > > org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet
> > > org.apache.http.HttpResponse
> > > DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(httpParameters);
> > > HttpGet request = new HttpGet(Uri);
> > > HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
> > > InputStream entityStream = response.getEntity().getContent();
> > > try
> > > {
> > >    bytesRead =;}
> > > catch (IOException ex)
> > > {
> > > }

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