I have written a first person camera class for android.

The class is really simple , the camera object has its three axes X,Y
and Z
And I am using an Eye and a LookAt point to create the ModelView
matrix, which seems to be working fine.

The problem comes when i try to rotate around the Y-axis ( or X-
axis) .
I am simply creating a rotation matrix around the Y-axis and
multiplying it with the Eye vector.
But after 45-degree my camera starts rotating in reverse direction.

I have taken measurements after every 1-degree rotation and it seems
that my Eye-vector although it rotates but it lags behind.
e.g. if i rotate 20-degrees it has rotated only 12.
But after 45-degree things really start to go out of control.

I though it must be a problem with the Rotation matrices that i create
to rotate the Eye-vector.
So i made two implementations, one using the functions in
android.opengl.Matrix package (e.g. setRoatetM)
and doing everything from scratch using (sin, cos ) functions.
But surprisingly the results are same.

Below is the code from the Camera class.
The three main functions involved in rotations are :
1. applyModelViewTransform( ) // this is where I use the setLookAtM()
2. yaw( ) // rotating LookAt around y-axis of the camera
3. reNormalizeAxes() // recalculating all the camera's Axes


package com.droidnova.android.games.vortex;

import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10;

import android.opengl.Matrix;
import android.util.Log;

import com.surrealtech.math.util.Vector3;

public class Camera7 implements ICamera {

        Vector3 _vecUp = new Vector3(0,1,0); // global UP vector
        Vector3 _vecLookAt;             // look-at point vector
        Vector3 _vecEye;                // eye position
        Vector3 _X;                     // camera's x-axis
        Vector3 _Y;                     // camera's y-axis
        Vector3 _Z;                     // camera's z-axis

        float[] _matModelView = new float[16];
        float[] _matRotation = new float[16];
        float[] _vecTemp4 = new float[4];       // a temporary vector to store
        float angleYaw = 0;
        float anglePitch = 0;

        public Camera7() {
                // Initialize all vectors
                _vecEye    = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f,  2.0f);    // eye
                _vecLookAt = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f,  1.0f);    // look-at

//              // normalize all axis
//              reNormalizeAxes();
//              // calculate the mdoel view matrix
//              Matrix.setLookAtM (_matModelView, 0,
//                                                      _vecEye.x, _vecEye.y, 
//                                                      _vecLookAt.x, 
_vecLookAt.y, _vecLookAt.z,
//                                                      _Y.x, _Y.y, _Y.z);

        private void reNormalizeAxes(){
                _Z = Vector3.Subtract(_vecLookAt, _vecEye);

                // calculate the right vector from
                _X = Vector3.Cross(_Z, _vecUp); // this should give the +ve 
of camera from right-hand rule

                _Y = Vector3.Cross(_X, _Z);

        public void applyModelViewTransform(GL10 gl) {
                // normalize all axis

                // calculate the mdoel view matrix
                Matrix.setLookAtM (_matModelView, 0,
                                                        _vecEye.x, _vecEye.y, 
_vecLookAt.y, _vecLookAt.z,
                                                        _Y.x, _Y.y, _Y.z);

                // push the new openGL matrix
                gl.glLoadMatrixf(_matModelView, 0);

        public void pitch(GL10 gl, float angle) {
                // get the rotation matrix around X-Axis
                Matrix.setIdentityM(_matRotation, 0);
                Matrix.setRotateM(_matRotation, 0, (float)Math.toDegrees(angle),
_X.x, _X.y, _X.z);

                // rotate the LookAt point
                Matrix.multiplyMV(_vecTemp4, 0, _matRotation, 0,
_vecLookAt.getFloat(), 0);

                // apply transform


        public void yaw(GL10 gl, float angle) {
                // initialise the lookat vector back to the start point
                _vecLookAt = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f,  1.0f);    // look-at
                this.angleYaw += angle;

                // get the rotation matrix around Y-Axis
                Matrix.setIdentityM(_matRotation, 0);
//              Matrix.setRotateM(_matRotation, 0, (float)Math.toDegrees(angle),
_Y.x, _Y.y, _Y.z);
                Matrix.setRotateM(_matRotation, 0,
(float)Math.toDegrees(this.angleYaw), _Y.x, _Y.y, _Y.z);

                // rotate the LookAt point
                Matrix.multiplyMV(_vecTemp4, 0, _matRotation, 0,
_vecLookAt.getFloat(), 0);
//              _vecLookAt.setFloat(_vecTemp4);

                // apply transform

                Log.v(""+this, "angleYaw:"+angleYaw +" , in-degrees:"+
                Log.v(""+this, "angle:"+angle +" , in-degrees:"+
                Log.v(""+this, "angle:"+angle +" , X-axis:"+ _X.x+","+ _X.y+","+
                Log.v(""+this, "angle:"+angle +" , Y-axis:"+ _Y.x+","+ _Y.y+","+
                Log.v(""+this, "angle:"+angle +" , Z-axis:"+ _Z.x+","+ _Z.y+","+
                Log.v(""+this, "angle:"+angle +" , _vecLookAt:"+ 
_vecLookAt.y+","+ _vecLookAt.z);

        public void translateZ(GL10 gl, float dist) {
                // translate the eye and look-at point
                Vector3 temp = Vector3.multiply(_Z, dist);
                _vecEye = Vector3.Add(_vecEye, temp);
                _vecLookAt = Vector3.Add(_vecLookAt, temp);

                // apply the transform


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