This isn't that complicated people, geez everybody acts like it's some
sort of crime or something. Look, if you show you are trying to do it
right the IRS is not going to hammer down your door.

It's pretty simple. Most income will be as a "sole propietor". You
simply add the income to your normal job income if you have one. You
fill out a Schedule C showing business gains/losses. In fact, if you
had less then $5000 in business expenses you don't even need to
itemize them, you can just use a Schedule C EZ form, where you simply
put "income" and "expenses" and then "net profit". Simple as that.

Don't then forget to cacluate the proper taxes. In the US you have to
pay self employment tax, which will be 15.3% of that net profit
amount. To calculate federal tax, you simply add your net profit to
your normal income and then just do your taxes as you normally would.

This isn't rocket science. Just check out the website they
document everything very well there.


On Jan 21, 8:15 am, Justin Giles <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 1:28 AM, Zsolt Vasvari <> wrote:
> > Does Google send us a W-2?
> No.  At least last tax season they didn't.  Don't rely on any ad companies
> to do it either.  Basically it's the honor system it appears.  Again, talk
> to a professional you trust and always err on the side of caution.

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