I have a sound based application on the market and use SoundPool.

Long story short, it is quirky to say the least and only likes small
sound files. I have been able to play sounds over and over (as in a
loop) and change sounds though without issue once I matched up loading
and unloading correctly.

I don't have the code on me right now but can get it to you later. For
now though, keep the files small, and unloading matched, and it should

On Jan 24, 7:45 pm, Steve <rockthesm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am using a SoundPool to control the SFX in my game, which is
> targeted at Android 1.6 devices. Initially, I am able to do everything
> I wish to do, but after sometime of playing the game (can be a few
> minutes, can be more than thirty minutes), I am no longer able to play
> sounds, and instead am seeing messages in my log such as:
> SoundPool - sample 440 not READY
> The thing is, these samples never become ready - in fact from this
> moment on, no sound effects ever appear to be ready - it is almost as
> if the thread that handles the loading gets stuck and then no more
> sounds can load.
> Any sounds that are loaded for the duration of the game can still be
> played and function correctly, but sounds that get loaded per level
> will no longer work from this point on.
> I have a session of my game running now that is exhibiting this
> problem, and some statistics I have are:
>  - I have made 516 calls to load
>  - I have made 513 calls to unload (I have three sounds that are
> resident, all the other loads/unloads are as I have gone in and out of
> many levels)
>  - I have made 1547 play calls
>  - I have made 1547 stop calls
> I have spent some time debugging this now, and have ensured all load
> and unloads match up, and the same for play/stop calls, but I am not
> really sure what I can do next now. My only fallback I could code up
> is to destroy the sound pool from time to time, and reload the
> resident sounds - it isn't a clean solution, but I am at a loss as to
> what else I can do. It feels like the problem is more likely to crop
> up when loading/unloading lots of SFX in succession, I am not sure if
> it could be a race case to do with a resource not quite being in a
> loaded state, and not quite being in an unloaded state - of course
> this whole situation is made a lot worse by the fact I don't have a
> sensible method of querying when a sound is actually loaded in Android
> 1.6.
> Someone out there must have a largish game on Android 1.6, using the
> SoundPool successfully? Can anyone help?
> Many thanks,
> Steve

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