As you say your eCPM looks low, but don't get your hopes up about
reaching .50 cents, let alone $2-5.  CTR to me looks very low as well,
but I'm not sure what the average for your category is.

A bigger problem for me is that it looks like you have put your Ad
banner line right next to your main Navigation strip.  Apart from the
fact that personally this would be enough reason for me to uninstall
and give you 1 star immediately, it goes against the AdMob
recommendations.  I don't know what they do or how they do it, but I
swear they can tell when apps do those sorts of tricks to capture
accidental presses and they either give you no ads (hence a low fill
rate) or just poor quality ones.  I would try moving the navigation
strip to the bottom of your View and leave the Ad at the top and see
if your stats improve.

On Feb 1, 4:57 pm, Zorro <> wrote:
> My Android App: Weight Loss Made Easy by Android Mobile Apps Launched
> Jan 27th 2010 now (6) days in the market.
> This app is somewhat of a test of getting my first app into the market
> and learn some things as I go. Was not expecting over night success or
> this to be a perfect app to start with. But I am expecting to see
> earning more then $0.50 cents for all the work after being in the
> market for 6 days. LOL
> Here are my stats so far:
> Android Market Stats
> 1775 total downloads
> 924 active installs (52%) (This looks a bit low to me. But this is a
> test app and hopefully more quality content in future will help)
> 3 star rating (Could be better but its a first app)
> Admob Stats
> Revenue $0.51
> eCPM $0.01 (Clearly looks extremely low..!)
> Requests 189,131
> Impressions 65,025
> Fill Rate 34.38%
> CTR .02%
> I am also using Adwhirl so that I can use multiple advertisers for
> better fill. However, I Admob is supposed to be one of the best and
> wanted to start here and try and solve what I can here first. So I
> have some questions that maybe someone could provide some help with.
> 1. My ECPM is extremely  low only yielding about $0.50 cents so far.
> LOL  This is a just a first test app for me but come on what is wrong
> here..! Need some help on why this is so low?
> 2. From what I can tell there does not seem to be a good selection of
> ads based on target content. I know in Adsense marketing there needs
> to be a good target on the ads related to content of the site in order
> to get high clicks and also higher eCPM. I suspect it would need to be
> the same for mobile apps. Many times the ads don't even display for a
> while. From where I am sitting its hard to know if there are problems
> with Admob not having enough as fill or what is going on. Any
> suggestion for helping me solve this would be great.  At this point I
> do not know if its Admob or something we don't have right on our end.
> We have downloaded and installed the SDK and believe we have followed
> directions properly.
> 3. Also this makes me wonder what is the percentage that Admob is
> paying to the publisher. Am I am going to need a million clicks to
> make $100? LOL
> I am wanting to not only improve this app but also to build more
> exciting apps but I must first figure out what the problems are with
> Monetizing the app correctly in order to move forward.
> I am am also interested in hearing if you can share or point me to
> resources what might be the average eCPM for many of the mobile
> publishers. Especially for Android. Now I realize that can very based
> on niche. But there should be some basic industry averages based on
> different categories like Health & Fitness, ect.
> I have done some basic research and seen where some people are saying
> the average eCPM for mobile is about $0.50 cents and others saying if
> tweaked correct you can average between $2 to $5 USD. Either way it
> would appear there is something seriously wrong with either my app in
> the way its handling ads or AdWhirl or Admod at this point.
> Any help/insight would be appreciated..!
> Thanking everyone in advance,
> Zorro..!

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