Hello Marcin,

you are funny!

I do not mean the web server ;-) -> but Apache Software License,
version 2.0

My question is, are the "other" licences replaced/reformed with the
apache one - or have all of these their customized own license?

Greetz dudero

On 11 Feb., 11:42, Dudero <sinfanh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I do not understand the licence-situation in Android.
> I have found that some components of Android have its own licenses:
> Android itself: Apache
> SQlite: Public Domain
> Bionic: BSD
> Webkit: BSD+LGPL
> Linux-Kernel GPL
> My 2 questions:
> Why is it called that Android is complete licenced by Apache?
> Does the Android Open Source Project contain the Android Linux-Kernel
> tree or is it a seperate part?
> Greetz dudero

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