The reason this happens is that Google hasn't updated their docs for
search in a long time and they are now completely out of date with
what the ACTUAL requirements are for cursor rows returned to the
Global Search Box.  Also, they changed the required columns and
uniqueness requirements in 2.2 and didnt tell anyone about it.  Google
needs to update these docs (
search/adding-custom-suggestions.html).   Not only are they wrong but
very hard to understand.  They introduce WAY too much complexity up
front with a misguided emphasis on completeness.  It is better to
start with several minimal examples that each illustrate a single
basic concept.  Only then, after the basics have been introduced
should you provide more advanced details.  Context before exposition.
Tech Docs 101.

Here's the REAL requirements:

BaseColumns._ID - This is documented as required and as a unique
INTEGER(long), whatever that means.  It is required but as a unique
String up until android 2.1.  The string need not be numeric (neither
an INTEGER or a long).  It can be anything, but it must be unique.
After 2.1, it can be anything, even null.  It doesn't matter.  You
don't even have to include _id in the cursor at all.

SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA - This is documented as
optional.  It is optional until 2.2, where not only is it a required
String but it must be unique!  It is required whether you specify
android:searchSuggestIntentData in your searchable.xml or not.  It
does not have to be a URL.

So, to be compatible with all versions of android (so far) you need
both lines.  Like this:

        private static final String[] SEARCH_CURSOR_COLUMNS =
                new String[]{
                        SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_SHORTCUT_ID };

        public Cursor query( Uri uri, String[] columns, String where,
String[] whereArgs, String sortOrder )
                MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor( SEARCH_CURSOR_COLUMNS );
                cursor.addRow( newCursorRow("uniqueId1", "Android docs", "Need
refactoring") );
                cursor.addRow( newCursorRow("uniqueId2", "Bait", "and Switch") 
                return cursor;

        private Object[] newCursorRow( String uniqueId, String text1, String
text2 )
                return new String[] { uniqueId, // _ID
                                text1, // SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_1
                                text2, // SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_2
                                uniqueId, // SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA
                                SearchManager.SUGGEST_NEVER_MAKE_SHORTCUT }; //

Clark Battle

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