I do have a suggestion for you - you could implement additional functionality as an add-on, a companion application.

Android has features that make it pretty easy to implement (shared user ids, intents, services, being able to query installed packages and intent resolution). Some applications that are available in Market already do this (e.g. Smart Keyboard, ES File Explorer, those are just the ones I use, there are certainly many more).

26.02.2011 22:18, b_t пишет:
There are users who don't read the app description nor the comments.
They don't write an email to ask just write a bad comment.

Yes, users are a pain - they are ignorant, paranoid, moronic, inarticulate. The world would a better place without them :) </irony>

So explaining it doesn't help because they don't read.
I always try to answer comments but the next comments keep asking
the same questions.


But I also find that sometimes there are things you can do to address certain often asked questions or misunderstood functionality - like adding a help button, or tweaking how the information is presented, so it's more obvious.

So I'm not satisfied with this permission model, what about you?

Well, my two current application are so simple, it's not even funny. The permissions they request are obvious, so my experience doesn't really apply here.

Kostya Vasilyev -- http://kmansoft.wordpress.com

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