I'm reading the book Professional Android 2 Application Development
from Reto Meier. I'm stuck on page 298.

I need having a Service in the app, and almost it works, but not

I get my Service to run, but cannot bind to it (so my reference
serviceBinder is never initialized; e.g. I get the
NullPointerException. The following code snippet is never run, and I
am confused where to put it:

Please note that I return Service.START_STICKY; from
onStartCommand( ...)  from the Service.

Following makes the service to run:
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState){

//              Bind to the service
                Intent bindIntent = new Intent(MazeAlgorithm.this,
                bindService(bindIntent, mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

but this code below is NEVER run (so serviceBinder is never

private ServiceConnection mConnection = new ServiceConnection(){
                public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder
                        // Called when the connection is made.
                        serviceBinder = ((MazeAlgService.MyBinder) 

                public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className){
                        // Received when the service unexpectedly disconnects.
                        Context context = getApplicationContext();
                        serviceBinder = null;

MazeAlgService is the service, called from the class MazeAlgorithm.
Where to shall I put the code above in the context of the Activity?

Nicest thanks to all of you (and just for info: I'm new to this
group...  :-)         )

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