Hi , i have created a Widget that get data from internet periodically.
Here i Used the Timer. before connect to internet i am checking the
connection. but there is  problem.There MUST be internet connection
before i add the widget . of if internet connection lost while widget
is working then it never update though connection is re established.

//-------------- Here is the method i Used to check internet
connectivity in widget

private  boolean checkNetwork(Context c){

        connMgr =

                network_info = connMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo();

        if(network_info != null &&
network_info.isConnectedOrConnecting()) {
                Log.i("info","network ok");
                return true;
                Log.i("info","no network");
                return false;



and this part is on onUpdate() method

          Timer timer = new Timer();
          timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MyTime(context, appWidgetManager), 1,
          err = "No Internet Access";


pls help

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